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What is Neurotherapy?

neu·​ro·​ther·​a·​py | \ ˌn(y)u̇r-ō-ˈther-ə-pē  \
Medical Definition of neurotherapy: neurofeedback…

"brain wave biofeedback—now called neurofeedback or neurotherapy—has returned. Its effectiveness boosted by computers, it has made its way into mainstream health care …"


— Jim Robbins, The New York Times, 26 Sept. 2000

At our Center, we use a number of modalities to address client cognitive, psychological, and emotional well-being, all of which involve supporting the nervous system.  What follows is an overview of the techniques we call neurotherapy.  Elsewhere in the site are more detailed descriptions.

Neurofeedback Training remains as the foundational technology for addressing the brain’s dysregulation. We begin with the EEG (electroencephalogram) of the client, compare it with a collection of EEGs of people similar to the client called a normative data base, and with sophisticated software, produce brain maps and graphs (qEEG) to identify the features of the brain that underly client symptoms. Neurofeedback training addresses those features, or anomalies in brain functioning that have been targeted by the brain map.  Neurofeedback trains the brain, helping it to normalize, bringing relief from the symptoms.

Augmenting Technologies: To facilitate traditional neurofeedback training, we also use active neurofeedback  technologies that first help prepare the brain by making it more plastic, or ready to be influenced by neurofeedback training. They achieve change by entraining the brain to frequencies consistent with the neurofeedback targets. They augment neurofeedback training but also have substantially beneficial effects on brain functioning on their own by calming, regulating, and supporting the functioning of the brain to reduce client symptoms.

Other Approaches that we use to support change in the brain include: biofeedback training, heart rate variability (HRV) training, hemoencephalographic (HEG) training, meditation, hypnosis and self-hypnosis, and sound health products. We include discussion of nutrition, supplements, exercise and sleep hygiene as elements of our “neurotherapy”.  Dr Vieille is a licensed clinical psychologist and can provide psychotherapy as well. 

How It Works




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