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Research & Reading

Here you will find a collection of research articles supporting the treatment of various conditions followed by a list of reading material if you are curious about learning more about neurotherapy and the brain.

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Age Related Cognitive Decline






Migraines / Headaches

Peak Performance






Traumatic Brain Injury


Alpha Theta Neurofeedback


Spiritual Enhancement

General Research

Your Brain and Neurofeedback: A Beginner's Manual

Biofeedback as a field has been growing since the late 1960s. This form of training and treatment uses monitoring instruments attached to the body to "feed back" to people information on the functioning of their bodies. In this way, people view information of which they are not normally aware, such as hand temperature, blood pressure, number and depth of breaths being taken, level of muscle tension in any target muscle, or the electrical activity of their brains. It has been established that, once people have more detailed access to information on what their bodies are doing, they are able to either consciously or subconsciously alter or control those functions. In this way, people with tension headaches can learn to relax tense muscles, people with urinary incontinence can learn to control their bladders, people with Raynaud’s disease (circulation difficulties in the extremities) can learn to warm themselves by increasing blood flow, and people with high blood pressure can learn to control that symptom.



Getting Rid of Ritalin: How Neurofeedback Can Successfully Treat Attention Deficit Disorder Without Drugs

by Robert W. Hill, Ph.D. & Eduardo Castro, M.D. 
Pioneers in the field of neurofeedback training


This book on neurofeedback and ADD/ADHD was revolutionary when it came out. The authors have years of experience running a neurofeedback clinic and treating a range of disorders in adults as well as children.


Healing Young Brains: The Neurofeedback Solution

by Robert W. Hill, PhD, & Eduardo Castro MD

Same authors as Getting Rid of Ritalin, this time focus on a broader application of neurofeedback addressing a range of disorders.


Biofeedback For The Brain: How Neurotherapy Effectively Treats Depression, ADHD, Autism, and More

by Paul G. Swingle 
Paul Swingle


has been a clinician and researcher in the field of neurotherapy for nearly thirty years. This is an excellent general guide to the field of Neurofeedback training.


Rhythms of the Brain

by Gyorgy Buzsaki 

This is a difficult, very technical, yet fascinating book about the nature of brainwaves and their role in the functioning of the brain.


I of the Vortex: From Neurons to Self

by Rodolfo Llinas 

Suggests the centrality of brainwaves to consciousness and the invention of the Self. It is scientific but not difficult, and is a survey of recent brain research bearing on the author's theme.


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