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Active Neurotherapy
After obtaining a brain map from the EEG, we identify what frequencies are deficient and need to be reinforced, or which frequencies need to be suppressed with Neurofeedback training and where that needs to occur in the cortex for the removal of client symptoms. These frequencies can be reinforced by the use of active neurotherapy, applying it to the site, producing neural synchronization or targeting frequencies that need to be suppressed. When rewarding frequencies, these technologies work by dilating capillaries increasing oxygen to the area, increasing neurogenesis and cell proliferation, healing the network. Increased blood flow also removes damaged cells, free radicals, and reduces inflammation in the area. This all works toward normalizing function in the area.
Active neurotherapy enhances the frequencies targeted for neurofeedback training by supporting synchronization in the targeted area through the introduction of safe levels of microcurrent stimulation. This also gets the neurons into phase supporting plasticity, supporting lasting change in the brain’s ability to produce the needed frequency. Other benefits include increasing production of growth factor, increasing the production of cell ATP by as much as 500%, increasing protein synthesis, amino acid transport, and molecular cell signaling.
Safety Note: A study that produced an overview (2016) of the research literature covering the effects of tDCS, one of the active neurotherapies that we use, showed no adverse effects in studies with over 1000 people involved in over 33,200 sessions. Most importantly, this analysis determined the safety threshold of at or below 4 milli-amperes of electricity and our equipment is hardwired so that it can not exceed 2.5 milli-amperes. This provides an even greater margin of safety. Link to Study: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/304068422_Safety_of_Transcranial_Direct_Current_Stimulation_Evidence_Based_Update_2016